Showing results for "Category/Pediatric/Healthy Volunteers"

Found 8 Clinical Trial s

Promoting language in children

A St. Louis University (SLU) research study seeks children to better understand language outcomes.

Does Migraine Impact Pain Sensitivity in Adolescents?

The purpose of this study is to investigate if adolescents with migraine perceive pain differently from adolescents without migraine and how puberty impacts pain sensitivity and migraine symptoms.

Teen Social Media Study

The purpose of the Teen Social Media Study is to learn more about the effects of social media use on teen's emotional experiences and mental health, and how this differs based on race and gender.

Understanding SI/SB in Children

The Suicidal Thoughts and Action Research in Kids (STARK) project is examining what young children know about the concept of suicide, along with risk factors for experiencing suicidality early in life.

Immune system genetics

The purpose of this research study is to compare genetics of healthy participants (2 to 25 years old) to those with autoimmune disorders and immune deficiencies.


The purpose of the study is to examine how young children's personality, such as tendencies of perfectionism, need for structure, fear of making mistakes, anxious apprehension, and inflexibility can at sometimes be helpful in school and at home and also sometimes be associated with anxiety and diffi ...

MRI Study of Down syndrome

This study will characterize very early brain development in infants with and without Down syndrome.

Infant Motor Study

The purpose of the research is to identify early motor differences that may be associated with risk for autism.