What is Study Search?

StudySearch is an online listing of research studies that are seeking volunteers at Washington University School of Medicine. Participating in a clinical study is a rare opportunity to make a great contribution to humanity. The information scientists gain through medical research helps to improve medical care for everyone.  

Recently Added Studies?

Myofascial pain imaging

The purpose of this research study is to learn more about myofascial pain, including tender spots called "trigger points."

Sensory Processing in Childhood

The purpose of the study is to characterize individual differences in sensory processing and prediction and relate these differences to symptoms of anxiety disorders and neurodevelopmental conditions.

Cognitive Rehabilitation in Post-COVID-19 Syndrome

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of a cognitive rehabilitation intervention on post-COVID syndrome symptoms in daily life. All study visits are completed via telehealth. No campus visit is required.

Reverse Engineering Motor Units

This study will investigate how different muscles are controlled by the brain.

Glucose Fluctuations and Dynamic Cognitive Function in Daily Life

This study looks at cognitive function in youth with Type 1 Diabetes in their daily life using a smartphone.

Featured Studies

Community-Associated Drug-Resistant Microbes Study

The purpose of this study is to learn more about drug-resistant microbes in the community (including how often people have them, who is most likely to have them, and places in the home where they may be present).

Brain Biomechanics Measurement

The purpose of the study is to examine how the brain moves in response to skull motion.

Chronic Venous thrombosis Relief with Adjunctive Catheter-Directed Therapy (C-TRACT)

The C-TRACT Study is comparing two treatment strategies for patients with leg symptoms following a blood clot diagnosis, such as post thrombotic syndrome (PTS) or deep vein thrombosis (DVT).